The realms between editions
One problem that I have so far brushed aside is that of map continuity between the editions of D&D (thanks to everyone contributing to the reddit discussion). While there are always some changes due to in-world events and the passing of realmtime, some editions introduced unexplained geographic shifts. Third edition is especially notable, as it reduced the map size and reshaped landmasses, presumably to make the continent less boring by bringing interesting places closer together (and more compact for editing/printing). Ignoring the cataclysmic changed of 4E, 5E reshaped the realms back to their second edition form, but not necessary to the same size. Instead of retreading topics that have already been discussed, I’ll redirect you to some excellent blog posts about the map history by the authors of ninelizardsblog and spriggan’s den.




(Cosmology) (3e)

to the Sword Coast (5e)
Since I am a player of D&D 3.5e this introduces a dilemma. Should I create a map that only serves the community of an older edition or adopt the more canoical correct map layout?
Even the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3e) and Player’s Guide (3.5) seem conflicted on the overall map layout, as they changed the shape of Faerun in the continent and detail maps, but not on the world map of Toril in the same books. Leaving out 4th edition, even 5e introduced some inconsistencies, by returning the sword coast to its 2E shape in the Sword Coast Adventurers guide, but then publishing a 3E shaped map in Lore & Legends.
However, one of the long term goals of this project is to create a good looking world map beyond the borders of Faerun. The second edition map seems to be the most complete base to accomplish this. Once I am done with recreating the visual styles of the 3/3.5e map, which will create a partially filled 2001 map to test the various map styles, I will try to register the 3e map to the previous shape of Faerun and hopefully get something that is a useful tool for players of all editions.